Callum is a creative one-page responsive personal portfolio html template. The template has a powerful parallax background and youtube video background, as well as a overlay full screen menu and standard menu, Which is an ideal choice for photographers, artists, developers and designers who want to showcase their work.

Callum makes it easy for you to create a resume, cv, vcard, personal portfolio website. It is built on top of the extremely popular Bootstrap 5 framework, thus offering clean, expressive html and well-structured css. The code is excellently formatted and commented, so it can be easily done when it comes to customizing it.
Features of Personal Portfolio Template
- Based on Bootstrap 5.1.1
- Clean and unique design
- Ultra Responsive
- 7 Color Schemes
- Powerful Portfolio with filters, solid ajax portfolio details & mobile optimized lightbox. also, Both support Image and Video (YouTube, Vimeo).
- Clean HTML5 and CSS3 code
- SCSS CSS files Available
- Fully working Contact Form with Ajax
- Google reCaptcha v2 and v3 for Contact Form
- Parralax Background
- Google Fonts Used
- Owl Carousel
- Typing Animation
- YouTube Videos Backgrounds
- Font awesome Integrated
- RTL Support
- Easy to Customize
- W3c Valid 100% Code
- Detailed Well Documentation
- Top Notch Support
- And much more…
Live demo
Check out the live demo: Callum Live Preview
Purchase the portfolio template:
You can buy the template here: Buy Callum on ThemeForest